Sunday, November 06, 2005

Inspiring Events

So this weekend was warming up to be another run of the mill adventures. So friday night luke was up at ISU and justin zito and casey showed up at my dorm and we soon met up with brandon. well needless to say we were going to go round up some fun. We can never plan anything it just kind of happens. Well I fell out of a tree and scraped up my back trying to put someones clothes up the tree. brandon was half naked because he was going to jump into the fountain. So yeah i have the branch and the wound to prove it. I'll get the pictures up some time. We went through all the dorms trying to find women to clean it out. Amy Vanworkem(sp?) whose parents are both doctors cleaned it out for me in Mindy's room. Everyone was pretty impressed. thats was pretty much it for the night. Saturday night luke was back in town. We had an airsoft gun fight in my dorm room because justin and casey went to osky and bought automatic guns. We walked around and shot people and then we all went all went to osky to see if we could buy more weapons. needless to say the car was packed with many of them. three aifsoft pistols, two airsoft automatics, an airsoft shotgun, am airsoft rifle, and a butterfly knife. I also purchased a Darth Vader helmet, its a full fledged helmet. I went around dressed in all black to try and freak some people out, even though the central campus was completely dead. Someone took a picture of me on the bridge with their cellphone camera and this one girl in a computer lab freaked out cuz i just walked in sat down at the computer next to her and didnt say anthing. She left running. it was good weekend. o and i can fit myself into a three foot by three foot plexi-glass box.

Well today I'm sick. Fever and splitting headache. I guess thats what i get for having such a good weekend.

1 comment:

Pommer said..., how do you fit in a box that small?!