Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hair Stylin'

Okay so about two weeks ago we were all chillin in walmart and we walked by the hair products. needless to say we decided to highlight our hair. we as in luke, austin, zito and I, justin was there but he has his manhood to look after. Well besides the fact we couldnt decide on whether or not to use the cap or use combs we bought both. this is prolly the last thing you expected from us... its prolly the "most daring" thing we have done. it didnt turn out too bad. mine hard a huge spot on the top of my head but i got a hair cut a few days ago and now it doesnt look so bad. luke, zitos and austins look good, its hardly noticable but its a nice touch. We had to wait a half an hour after we put it to wash it out so in the mean time we had zito serenade us with some tunes.

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