Sunday, February 24, 2008

Illegal Downloading

At the moment there is legislation in the UK that it going to go into effect somewhere around 2009 if it passes that would requite ISPs to cooperate and report illegal transfers of files. This would hold the ISPs accountable and force them to provide information leading that possibly leads to convictions, even the possibility of losing rights to internet use all together. The ISPs disagree and argue that they are just the "conduits and not responsible for content". They also stress their concern over who is going to have to pay to have all this monitored, the music and film companies surely won't want to nor would I want them to. I think just like all of things today this is fueled by money more than anything on all ends as well. In the article I was reading they went on to say that no matter what you did illegal downloaders would find a way to continue to do so no matter what you did. The articles end's with this quote,

"I'm afraid the horse has bolted and the only way the record industry is going to be able to contain piracy is to offer better services at a price that is right."

This is exactly what is why most people download illegally. Most people would be happy to pay a reasonable price for music and movies if someone offered them. We are at the time where people grew up with free downloads for these type of things and were used to it and now they are being asked to pay a high amount for the stuff that was once free. It may not have always been ethical or immoral and that doesn't make it right. I know that the music and film industry are trying to make a living. What type of living is the question, there are the select few that make it seem like life is joke for them. However, music and film aren't vital to life and so if push comes to shove I think people would and could do without it if they had to or things went that way that they were forced to. Look at the video game industry, sure there are illegal downloads and sharing going on but not to the extent of the music and film industry. Why aren't the game developers complaining and griping? Maybe it is because they make a product worth buying, making a product people want to purchase and see successful, you decide.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Here we go again...

Well it has been quite some time since I last posted anything on this blog, just over a year in fact. I would have to say the post before that were even quite scattered out as well. Here we go again. I have been having a great time in Wales and it has been good to start finally meeting people and getting into the swing of things, if you want more info about that you can check out my other blog. Meeting people here is quite interesting obviously there is a difference between America and here but not so much as say China. There is somewhat of a language barrier with the hard welsh accents and british accents all mixed together, it seems like a different language sometimes. As you would expect I have gotten into discussions about current issues of the times already. Obviously it isn't what we have talked about from the git go but of course they are very interested to here what my opinion is and what I think about things and what actually is going on. I won't bore you with piddly little details maybe later. My flat mates and I have discussed mainly politics and environmental issues. There is really only one that pay any attention to the politics in America it wasn't anything deep though yet. However it is nice to know that people are from other countries are interested about it I think. This is the most informed and most media coverage they have had with an American election for awhile. It is nice though even though you hear about it over here it isn't as constant as in the US because we don't have a TV so it just internet and papers (which we don't read many), and you can just cut if off.
Well to start off they aren't Bush haters for the most part at least not outspoken about it at least, they might not favor him but at the same time I think that they are in the same boat with Gordon Brown and the labour party. Moving along I would have to say their biggest concern for current issues would be the environment and the war in Iraq. I understand the war in Iraq maybe a little more than the environment. I am confused about the environment issue here. They are supposed to be environmental critical but I haven't seen it. There is a girl on my floor that is super eco friendly and the rest will recycle if they have to. However the buildings here are from eco friendly it seems. The heat is not regulated at all, the toilet uses so much water per flush it is ridiculous, and again i don't think that they recycle any more than America. Also the Central people in London say it is full of smog and haze, I have also had my flat mates say that as well. I guess I haven't looked at statistics but at the same time, I think first off look at the population difference and the land size difference, not an excuse I know but it does account for some of it. Now to politics for a brief moment. I know Bush may not be a well liked person at the moment but look at what he has had to accomplish and deal with in his time as president. Dealing with all that no one knows what the "right" decisions are. He has made mistakes, none of them I think huge. You may say the Iraq war but I disagree, look at the good the has come from the war. Barely evident right now but it takes time. I think that you may be forgetting the fact that we discovered the Oil for Food scandal, which we wouldn't have known about unless we went to war, at least wouldn't have known about it for awhile longer. Also would still like living to this day not knowing what Saddam was hiding in his country, I think that it is great that we found nothing. If we did find something I would have been pissed we didn't do something sooner and then who knows where he got it from or where he sent it or what he could have done had we not done it. I think it does give some closure to that idea. However things may be more violent and volatile over there right now but it is a war and they aren't pretty and they aren't clean. Sometimes thats what it takes to get the job done. If you think about it we had done all we could with embargos and sanctions against Iraq after ten years that those things weren't going to change anything. Your foreign policy can only get so big and then you need to act. It is somewhat of a balance that needs to be maintained. Likewise if your military gets too big or active a little more foreign policy would be good. Just some thoughts for you all to chew on.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Keep Saddam Alive!

Before you jump to conclusions. I haven't lost my marbles and become a liberal or anything crazy like that ;) I am actually in a debate with myself over this one. I really think that Saddam should be hung just as he was sentenced to be. However, today at his trial he urged the Baathist regime and the Iraqis to conceed and reconcile the differences they have and make peace. I think Saddam may have gotten the picture. A man facing death after dishing out for some many years may realize that there isn't anything left to fight for. This may be the one reason to keep him alive. if he is able to have enough pull and strength from prison and his trial to convince the people of Iraq to stop the violence. Do I think that his mindset change over night so i am really unconvinced by one statement that may hold out hope for a future. people don't change that easily or quickly as nice as that would be. I still that there are ulterior motives and possibly evil hiding in that. Do we keep him alive and risk the chance that he escapes or whether his power from prison may be just enough to keep people fighting. One thing plays in my mind. He made so many bad choices even in his trial. Why now? Why not at the beginning of the trial? He had to know that either way it wasn't going to end well for him. He made the trial so difficult. He was many times out of control, including his lawyers and not to mention how many prosecution lawyers were killed during it all. He held on to dear life until the bold face truth that he will be hung is now staring him the face everyday. He now must finish a second trial for genocide and have an increasing fear that he will get the same punishment when he is convicted. So that is my inner debate, even though this man killed so many has he changed enough or willing, powerful, or influential enough to convince people in the middle east to reconcile.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Well its been awhile since i have posted. there have been numerous things i have wanted to post about as usual but no time. anyway the thing i going to strike on tonight is my annoying computer... yes i did get a virus and yes i got everything taken care of, kind of. well now i can't install certain windows updates or run for an extended period of time without getting the blue screen of death. As of now however my computer has been on for almost 12 hrs. without restarting itself. so it might work well for awhile. knock on wood. The errors i get aren't common at all and i can't figure our what the heck they could be linked to at all. so anyway we will see what the next week brings but its annoying because i don't think i have gotten the same error twice so i don't know where to begin. but i like challenges.

Monday, September 25, 2006


well i went for a run tonight, needed to clear the head and get things out you could say. which is the first in a week or two. it felt good but i am feeling it. I need to get into the habit of running again. I really miss playing soccer too but i don't have time for it. i talked to some guys today that just joined the team, i was jealous. school is becoming ridiculous. the homework is monantonous and the fact that one of my teachers has no idea what the heck he is doing when he comes to class and is disorganized and the fact that he happens to be my advisor slightly makes me angry.... I'm sure he knows his stuff but he just isn't good at teaching. the time i put into working and school will pay off in the end. things will probably slow down here after midterms at least for awhile anyway and i have fall break in a month so that will be good. off to finish some homework. until next time.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Truth about 9/11

What does Truth mean to you? What is the absolute sense? Well if you are looking for information that I have uncovered about some plot on 9/11 you won't find it. I am talking about the absolute Truth that exists behind it all. Five short years ago we found ourselves in the middle of a crisis. In fact it seemed like the world stood still as we watched our fellow Americans flinging themselves off the 50th story into the ground, people running from explosions and the shear confusion of it all. How quickly its seems that we have forgotten? I went to a memorial service tonight for 9/11 and there might have been 100 ppl there on a 1500 + or - a few person campus. Not just that though. How quickly we have forgotten God. The day that it happened I doubt that churches could find a day when they were more packed or flooded with response to the disaster in need of help or comfort. We learn in catechism that our only comfort in life and death is Jesus Christ our Lord. When the world is too much we run to him looking for comfort and peace. There isn't anything else in this world that people seem to find more comforting in a time like that than God. When the world is too much....when life is too much..... but how quickly we forget all that. Today and yesterday we remembered 9/11 but long before it will be forgotten God has been laid aside. 10 years ago roughly 62% people in the nation said that there was no absolute Truth. What could the figure be today? venture a guess. Today in an age where it is expected that you figure out what Truth is for yourself. You aren't given it no helpful hints, not much to go on in today's culture and life because Truth is something that you should find for yourself. I know one thing and that is the Truth. The Truth that God is the one and only, Jesus Christ is my savior and redeemer, he rose from the dead to give each of us freedom. He is the absolute. from the beginning of time he has not changed. he will not change. from my parents age until now He has not changed. He will not change this is his promise. He will be with us to the very end of the age.

But I ask you now to think about what happened on that day. Things like that happen everyday, innocent people die everyday in other circumstances; yes I know. Since that day your life and the way you live hasn't been the same. If you need a reason whether you agree with the foreign policy of America, the war in Iraq or the decisions of the leadership of this country think about the people that lost someone or that are still dealing with the pain of that day and the continuing struggles it raises today. It will not go away. the problems that we face from terrorists and anti-american nations. Think about the soldiers overseas. They give us the freedom to live the way we do...... selfishly at times, myself included.

Just some thoughts i had throughout the day from church today and some thrown together pieces inside my mind. reflect respond and react.

" You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free." John 8: 32

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sad News Today in the NFL

The Packers just lost their first game of the 2006 season. A game of many firsts and lasts. The first game with a new head coach, new defensive coor. , new wide receivers, new quarterbacks, linebackers, d-ends, special teams coaches. The first game in about 220 that they haven't scored, the first in Brett Favre's career.

Brett Favre needs 10 more wins to beat John Elway for career wins. He needs 7,800 more yards in passing and 750 passing attempts, 290 completed passes, 25 touchdown passes, to pass Dan Marino for career highs. He also needs 50 more career starts to beat Jim Marshall for consectutive career starts.

It looks as though it is going to be a long season. Their team is young most of the team with less than 2 years experience. I would be happy if they finished at least finished with an 8-8 record.