Monday, September 25, 2006


well i went for a run tonight, needed to clear the head and get things out you could say. which is the first in a week or two. it felt good but i am feeling it. I need to get into the habit of running again. I really miss playing soccer too but i don't have time for it. i talked to some guys today that just joined the team, i was jealous. school is becoming ridiculous. the homework is monantonous and the fact that one of my teachers has no idea what the heck he is doing when he comes to class and is disorganized and the fact that he happens to be my advisor slightly makes me angry.... I'm sure he knows his stuff but he just isn't good at teaching. the time i put into working and school will pay off in the end. things will probably slow down here after midterms at least for awhile anyway and i have fall break in a month so that will be good. off to finish some homework. until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know just how you feel. but i feel slightly chipper.