Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sad News Today in the NFL

The Packers just lost their first game of the 2006 season. A game of many firsts and lasts. The first game with a new head coach, new defensive coor. , new wide receivers, new quarterbacks, linebackers, d-ends, special teams coaches. The first game in about 220 that they haven't scored, the first in Brett Favre's career.

Brett Favre needs 10 more wins to beat John Elway for career wins. He needs 7,800 more yards in passing and 750 passing attempts, 290 completed passes, 25 touchdown passes, to pass Dan Marino for career highs. He also needs 50 more career starts to beat Jim Marshall for consectutive career starts.

It looks as though it is going to be a long season. Their team is young most of the team with less than 2 years experience. I would be happy if they finished at least finished with an 8-8 record.

1 comment:

Pommer said...

sad...depends on the person
