Friday, November 25, 2005

Marriage and Weddings

Wow i can't actually believe that i'm going to a friends wedding tomm. Its that time in out lives tho. No doubt we are gonna have fun and make it crazy. But the fact that i am going to a wedding tomm and then chad and laura are having theirs on the 30th of dec still blows my mind. Yeah i can't wait till im married but during college and there is a lot of commitment not to mention the responsiblities.... wow i'm barely adjusted to college life. Seriously can anyone else see amber and mike "married". acting like a married couple is different then being married. Im happy for them tho. It will be good times tomm. and we are sure to make a time they will never forget.

1 comment:

Pommer said...

man true that...and if you thought Amber and Mike's wedding was weird, just wait until "those two" get married