Wednesday, November 02, 2005


It feels good to steal. Well anyway I get back to the Kuyper parking lot on Sunday night and I go to get on bike to go back to my dorm. Well what i find instead is my broken chain lying on the ground with a crappy old beat up bike in its place. Needless to say i was a little pissed. so i walked. Monday i fixed up another bike that came into the store to replace my stolen one. Today i decided to take a ride around campus to look for it, being nice out and all. So i get out of spanish lab and 10 minutes later i am riding the new bike and holding my other bike as i ride along. I found it at a pod and he neglected lock it up. So i have my bike back and he lost his old bike and a seat. They are now both registered and it made my day after sleeping through class this morning.

1 comment:

Pommer said...

your a horrible horrible man derek, like you steal like that, but then again you did steal a bike without wheels and put it in your bathroom...oh wait, that was me