Thursday, January 05, 2006

Been A Long While

It has been a really long time since i have posted. Idk y just one of those things I supppose. Well its been a kicking break. I have been fairly busy. Decided not to go on the Reynosa Missions trip with campus ministries just had a lot of stuff going on. Anyway most people have started or start school on monday well I have yet another entire week. Its nice. Gonna be a busy weekend though which is cool. Monster Jam friday. LAN and hanging out on Sat. Sunday= sleep.


Anonymous said...

Dirka, it's been a long while since i've seen you, considering you made yourself disappear for like the last two weeks of the semester. You better be around when we get back or i'll have to kick your ass.... or something equally intimidating that i might actually be able to do. LoL, have fun the rest of break. See you soon.

Pommer said...

so ahhh you gonna get some pics of the car up anytime soon??