Wednesday, January 18, 2006

School Once Again

Well i haven't posted for awhile. I suppose that Winter break did that to me. I mean it has been almost a month. maybe a good thing anyway. Break was good, better than school as Joe stated. Everyone is so eager to travel back to place where you pay to put yourself through the some of the most grueling times and sparatic sleeping habits. O well its all good though (at least for one of us).
Thanks Zito in all your glory. We love you anyway.
For those of you who don't know I am now living at home and i am still going to central. Quiting doesn't look so bad sometimes but not gonna happen. Anyway i suppose i need to go to class since thats what im suppose to be doing in about ten minutes. There are more posts to come today. I still need to get pictures up of my recently purchased vehicle 2000 Pontiac Bonneville SSEI. Its nice.

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