Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A New Year

Here we go... We all have just begun a new year. In China it is the year of the dog and boast it as the year of mobile malware. Well whatever year it is im sure going to be a good one. Looking back now on all that has transpired it is quite amazing how quickly it all seemed to happen. Less than a year ago we were all running the highschool not that we aren't now... we were just there all the time. From seniors who knew everything to now freshman in college. With our new found independence we have grabbed hold of an entirely different view of the world. I have been told that the only thing that doesn't change is that nothing changes.
Besides the fact that we have not only all aged a year and have seem each other grow and change and mature..... some of us anyway. There has been a lot that has happened in the world. Bush we newly re-elected, the tsunami in the south pacific, hurricane katrina, the war in iraq, capture of Saddam Hussien, bombings in london, the pope died(finally), Deep Throat, gas prices on the rise and fall, supreme court nominies, google became public, ipod craze erupted, martha stewart was arrested, johnny carson died, micheal jackson was on trial *cough*guility*cough*, lance armstrong won again and for the last time, and baseball came underfire for its players using steroids (
Its been a busy year for all no doubt and there have been many personal issues in which we have had to battle through. Some if not all of us are still battling them on some level. This is life. Next year we will look back on this year and see again how much we have learned and changed. We will have some good memories and no doubt some regrets. Live learn i guess. I hope that all of us can continue to trust and have faith in God no matter what happens.
I have no idea what the future holds for anyone of us. I have no doubt however that if we hang in there, stick together and keep our paths as straight as possible we can have some great times.

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