Thursday, July 06, 2006

'bout time

Well to all my fine readers..... that's about zero not that the would be readers aren't fine its just the fact that there aren't any. For good reason however this is my first post since feburary. Yeah thats a really long time. The end of school was kinda crazy and then summer started and i have been busy ever since. I have a to do list that is a mile long and keeping up on my blog has been on there for sometime just not at the top. I kept putting it off one because i could and two because i havent posted for so long that i felt that there was just too much to post about and it would take too much time. well im gonna give it a shot again and try not to get behind and thirdly sometimes i have things i want to post about other then just what is going on in D-Rock's world but things that i think people should here but i can never make up my mind... imagine that. but i will do my best and that is all i can ask of myself. Here we go off on a magical carpet ride once more. WEEEEEEE>>>>>>..............

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