Monday, July 17, 2006

St. Louis 2

It is my second day in St. Louis. It was a hott day. The heat index was well over 100. Anyway we went into the Arch today. Its tall its pretty sweet. Bought some tickets for the Cards game. Then went to the union station and ate lunch piddled around. We then went to the St. Louis City Museum and then the Cards game. Everything is expensive as heck. bottle of water 4.50, nachos 6.25, beer 6.50, yeah it is an expensive place. The game started out slow and then the Braves hit a grand slam and it was over from there. we left after the seventh inning. the cards lost 15-3. traffic was kinda busy on the way out not too bad. then i was going 10 over the limit passing someone and then someone comes up behind riding me. and then when we get to a three lane area he flips me the bird and speeds off doing well over the speed limit and none the less headed towards a construction area. Thats about the day for ya. i would post pictures but the inet here is gay. so i will prolly post them later, on facebook prolly.

1 comment:

Pommer said...

haha facebook