Thursday, July 06, 2006

To-do Lists

Like i said i have a to do list that is like a mile long. I have a habit of starting projects that are usually out of the ordinary or just plain time consuming and over comlicated. O well its fun. I just recently got my dad's CB500 1972 Honda put back together and running she isn't running too smooth and the seat is being replaced but other than that it is looking great. Luke and i recently created a collection of potatoe/ projectile rifles. its been fun they are really cool sometime i should get pictures up of them. ( ipromise) anything we can fit in the barallel we have tried shooting out of them. I just replaced the headliner in the Delta it was time and after the Missouri fireworks run it was gone anyway. I have several projects on the burner at the moment. the biggest is one pommer and i are hoping falls into place this weekend. We are making biodisel. yes i said it we are going to make diesel. if all goes well we should be running on diesel that runs us around 70 cents per gallon. if all goes well but im guessing first time around it won't and then on top of that we still need a diesel engine to try it in.....
Everytime i seem to accomplish one thing something else seems to pop up. The never ending list of books that needs to be read, music that needs listening to, computers that need to be fixed, I can't stay informed enough too much news to stay in touch with, and monkeying around etc. well i suppose it keeps me out of trouble...... or causes more.

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