Thursday, July 06, 2006

Cell Phones

Something todays tech savvy or just ordinary person can't live without no matter how much you use it or what you use it for or what kind you have or how much you paid for one. the principal remains you bought one and they have you hooked. By they i mean the cell phone companies, society, your friends, your parents, the media, cell phone providers. I think we have all had tussles with cell phone providers. Austin got his phone back only after numerous trips to Des Moines, Pommer can't renew his plan and he needs a new phone because his other one got sucked through a black hole, and my phone( nokia 6255i) sucks but yeah its cool and gets great reception but its crappy. I finally got a new one and didnt have to pay for it. only after getting it sent in to be repaired and got it back five weeks later and nothing changed. It will shut off when closed slightly too hard and the screen malfunctioned and would randomly not work. needless to say the new phone isn't great either i am starting to see the same problems arise. we will see how long this lasts but i am stuck with it for 24 months unless i want to shell out 400 bucks for a razor [I might actually be able to shave with it in the next few years, i could see it happening its prolly about the only thing missing from most cellphones today, the ability to trim off excess body hair] I have some tricks done my sleeve. Half of the features i bought the phone for weren't availble because U.S. Cellular had locked them. Pissed me off so I hacked my phone and now i am free to change just about anything on my phone. aobut 90 percent of the things i can change i dont understand and have no idea what they do but other than that its cool.
Anyway people are hooked including myself, sometimes i wish i just didnt have it so people couldnt get a hold of me. yeah i could shut it off and not answer it but people just get pissed off and ask why they couldnt get a hold of me or it was really important or they just wanted to know what was going on. Heaven forbid you have to wait to talk to someone or that you can't get an answer right away. patience is something that we just don't have anymore we want it right here right now and cell phones don't help that. Sometimes people won't settle for the fact that you just don't want to talk to them or that if you don't there has to be something wrong or you are pissed at them. A lot or people would be extremely disoriented without their cellphones in todays society and society almost makes it a necessity to have one.

Just like women can't live with them but ya can't live without them.

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