Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Weekend

This weekend was a quick one. They usually don't last long enough. Anyway the only thing that was accomplished well not a whole lot really. The Diesel Pommer and I tried to make was golp soup. This was because we used too much lye. We got too much lye because we had to guess how much 3.5 grams was and we guessed wrong. The rest of my Saturday was alright it was really long. After i finished a really long and boring day at work I rilled in dirt neat my house and then i went to a Jack's Mannequin Concert. It was awesome. I found a guitar pick and I about got into a fight with some drunks. I got back around 11.45 and then I went out and worked on the Lincoln until 2.15 in the morning. I didnt get to bed until 3.00. It was a late night. Today I went to Des Moines with Austin and I bought some GameSacs. And that pretty much rounded out the day. yeah nothing too exciting.

1 comment:

Pommer said...

your so full of it...drunks are lovers not fighters...oh and you should have got two more gamesacs