Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Deep Blue Sea

Okay so not quite but pretty damn close. Today Austin Justin and I went to Van Roekel's Uncles old coal mine pond and swam with cal, ron, happy, ryan, dustin, and another justin. It was so nice. the water was so clear, warm, and clean. it is trully amazing for iowa. anyway this is what it looked like seriously. anyway that is about the only exciting thing that went on this weekend. Not a whole lot else trully worth telling anyone about went on. I will get pictures up on facebook soon as soon as time allows. well i am really pooped so have a good monday everyone.


Anonymous said...

nothing else exciting?! i do believe their was 33 hour lan that was a blast. too bad you wern't there for most of it.

D-Rock said...

okay so I didnt do anything else exciting but i do have to concede that playing some tribes was quite fun the whole lan would have been better had steam been working for me. other things went on that were exciting i just didnt happen to part of most of them.

Pommer said...

Derek...a lot of exciting stuff happened this weekend. For example, I fell asleep on the love sac while you and zito were watching tv, thats pretty damn exciting. Oh and you seem to forgot the fact that you worked this weekend, thats really exciting. Damn derek, I guess you just keep missing the 'exciting boat'