Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Weekend

Ok to start this out. You need to hear a good story. It was a good way to start out the weekend. We, by we i mean zito, vos, luke, and i, were driving around uptown trying to find and think of somewhere to eat. We were sitting at a red light and then we here the fire sirens and I was waiting for the trucks to come whizzing by and thought we could follow them just for kicks anyway they never came by. Then zito started talking about something and we were heavily discussing it..... well we sat through a green light. the entire green light. and that was how the weekend started out. nm happened this weekend. I was called to help some old lady fix her computer that was out of no where but i made 20 bucks so it was worth it. I talked with her for two hours while i fixed her computer. it was interesting we talked about the bible, her family, racing, armegeddon, the war and some other misc. things. Sat. was kinda long. Vos and I met zito jame and muff at the movie theatre. we saw pirates of the carribean. it was a good movie but it was long. then we went to chill and james house for awhile. after that we met up with luke vos went home and then we met up with austin. I went to bed at 1.30 and I had to get up at 6 to start packing and leave for St. Louis where i am currently.

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