Wednesday, July 19, 2006

St. Louis 3 & 4

Well its been a couple of really hott days at least 103 both days, today it topped out at around 105 in the shade. Yeah yesterday we went to the Anhuizer Busch brewery and Grant's Farm in the morning. the tour of the brewry was cool. It was pretty immpressive. they have 370 barallels that can hold up to 200,000 6 packs each. They have 10 acres to store packaged beer and their machines can bottle 1300 a minute and can up to 2000. Grants farm was a farse as was Ulysses S. Grants old house. The Missouri Botanical gardens etnertained the afternoon. bad idea we are crazy its over 100 degrees out and we decide to go somewhere that has a humidy close to prolly 90% and its hot. There we alot of plants and flowers. After that we went back to the hotel and called it a night. We were pooped.
Today I went to go check out Washington Univ. because they have a dual degree program with Central that i might end up doing. Only if i get some money and my grades are decent enough....about that. Anyway it was a nice campus not too big. pretty clean. They guy we talked to had a lot to say. We then just started driving out of St. Louis we really didnt know what or where we wanted to go. We were going to stop at an old auto car museum on the way out but turns out it doesnt exist any more. it might have something to do with the fact that it was out in the middle of no where. So my dad and I decided to head for Columbia after eating at Joe's crab shack. We got here after some driving around, lets just say i know fulton missouris like the back of my hand. After checking out every single hotel in columbia to see what their price was and the condition of the pool we checked into the Stoney Creek Inn. It is amazing for the price we got. Nothing else compares to anything i have seen. Indoor outdoor pool and whirlpool with a waterfall. its nice. had to buy a CAT5 cable because i forgot one at home and they dont have wireless. but a fridge in the room and a microwave is nice. To end the evening we tried to find a miniput, but just like the auto museum it was out in the middle of nowhere. It was in a little po dunk golf course that had a driving range, batting cage and go karts. The course was as you could expect a little to be desired. i asked my dad if we were gonna do it and he said of course we made the drive. It was hotter than a three peckered billy goat and this was 7.00 pm. That brings us to here. tomm we should be on our way home safe and sound. See ya soon Pella.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah the bud plant is really cool, I went ther eback in the day with my parents. but hey...Assman Implement, Inc. Mission, SD 57555