Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Keep Saddam Alive!

Before you jump to conclusions. I haven't lost my marbles and become a liberal or anything crazy like that ;) I am actually in a debate with myself over this one. I really think that Saddam should be hung just as he was sentenced to be. However, today at his trial he urged the Baathist regime and the Iraqis to conceed and reconcile the differences they have and make peace. I think Saddam may have gotten the picture. A man facing death after dishing out for some many years may realize that there isn't anything left to fight for. This may be the one reason to keep him alive. if he is able to have enough pull and strength from prison and his trial to convince the people of Iraq to stop the violence. Do I think that his mindset change over night so i am really unconvinced by one statement that may hold out hope for a future. people don't change that easily or quickly as nice as that would be. I still that there are ulterior motives and possibly evil hiding in that. Do we keep him alive and risk the chance that he escapes or whether his power from prison may be just enough to keep people fighting. One thing plays in my mind. He made so many bad choices even in his trial. Why now? Why not at the beginning of the trial? He had to know that either way it wasn't going to end well for him. He made the trial so difficult. He was many times out of control, including his lawyers and not to mention how many prosecution lawyers were killed during it all. He held on to dear life until the bold face truth that he will be hung is now staring him the face everyday. He now must finish a second trial for genocide and have an increasing fear that he will get the same punishment when he is convicted. So that is my inner debate, even though this man killed so many has he changed enough or willing, powerful, or influential enough to convince people in the middle east to reconcile.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Well its been awhile since i have posted. there have been numerous things i have wanted to post about as usual but no time. anyway the thing i going to strike on tonight is my annoying computer... yes i did get a virus and yes i got everything taken care of, kind of. well now i can't install certain windows updates or run for an extended period of time without getting the blue screen of death. As of now however my computer has been on for almost 12 hrs. without restarting itself. so it might work well for awhile. knock on wood. The errors i get aren't common at all and i can't figure our what the heck they could be linked to at all. so anyway we will see what the next week brings but its annoying because i don't think i have gotten the same error twice so i don't know where to begin. but i like challenges.

Monday, September 25, 2006


well i went for a run tonight, needed to clear the head and get things out you could say. which is the first in a week or two. it felt good but i am feeling it. I need to get into the habit of running again. I really miss playing soccer too but i don't have time for it. i talked to some guys today that just joined the team, i was jealous. school is becoming ridiculous. the homework is monantonous and the fact that one of my teachers has no idea what the heck he is doing when he comes to class and is disorganized and the fact that he happens to be my advisor slightly makes me angry.... I'm sure he knows his stuff but he just isn't good at teaching. the time i put into working and school will pay off in the end. things will probably slow down here after midterms at least for awhile anyway and i have fall break in a month so that will be good. off to finish some homework. until next time.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Truth about 9/11

What does Truth mean to you? What is Truth.....in the absolute sense? Well if you are looking for information that I have uncovered about some plot on 9/11 you won't find it. I am talking about the absolute Truth that exists behind it all. Five short years ago we found ourselves in the middle of a crisis. In fact it seemed like the world stood still as we watched our fellow Americans flinging themselves off the 50th story into the ground, people running from explosions and the shear confusion of it all. How quickly its seems that we have forgotten? I went to a memorial service tonight for 9/11 and there might have been 100 ppl there on a 1500 + or - a few person campus. Not just that though. How quickly we have forgotten God. The day that it happened I doubt that churches could find a day when they were more packed or flooded with response to the disaster in need of help or comfort. We learn in catechism that our only comfort in life and death is Jesus Christ our Lord. When the world is too much we run to him looking for comfort and peace. There isn't anything else in this world that people seem to find more comforting in a time like that than God. When the world is too much....when life is too much..... but how quickly we forget all that. Today and yesterday we remembered 9/11 but long before it will be forgotten God has been laid aside. 10 years ago roughly 62% people in the nation said that there was no absolute Truth. What could the figure be today? venture a guess. Today in an age where it is expected that you figure out what Truth is for yourself. You aren't given it no helpful hints, not much to go on in today's culture and life because Truth is something that you should find for yourself. I know one thing and that is the Truth. The Truth that God is the one and only, Jesus Christ is my savior and redeemer, he rose from the dead to give each of us freedom. He is the absolute. from the beginning of time he has not changed. he will not change. from my parents age until now He has not changed. He will not change this is his promise. He will be with us to the very end of the age.

But I ask you now to think about what happened on that day. Things like that happen everyday, innocent people die everyday in other circumstances; yes I know. Since that day your life and the way you live hasn't been the same. If you need a reason whether you agree with the foreign policy of America, the war in Iraq or the decisions of the leadership of this country think about the people that lost someone or that are still dealing with the pain of that day and the continuing struggles it raises today. It will not go away. the problems that we face from terrorists and anti-american nations. Think about the soldiers overseas. They give us the freedom to live the way we do...... selfishly at times, myself included.

Just some thoughts i had throughout the day from church today and some thrown together pieces inside my mind. reflect respond and react.

" You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free." John 8: 32

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sad News Today in the NFL

The Packers just lost their first game of the 2006 season. A game of many firsts and lasts. The first game with a new head coach, new defensive coor. , new wide receivers, new quarterbacks, linebackers, d-ends, special teams coaches. The first game in about 220 that they haven't scored, the first in Brett Favre's career.

Brett Favre needs 10 more wins to beat John Elway for career wins. He needs 7,800 more yards in passing and 750 passing attempts, 290 completed passes, 25 touchdown passes, to pass Dan Marino for career highs. He also needs 50 more career starts to beat Jim Marshall for consectutive career starts.

It looks as though it is going to be a long season. Their team is young most of the team with less than 2 years experience. I would be happy if they finished at least finished with an 8-8 record.

Monday, September 04, 2006


There is stunning news out of the world down under today. The Crocodile Hunter has died due to a punctured lung and heart from a sting ray barb. Austrailia will be mourning the loss of a great member of the scientific and wildlife community. Anyway other than that there isn't too much exciting going on in this Labor day so far. Just have been cleaning and catching up on odds and end jobs around the house. Tomorrow will start another week of college and the process of gettting back to homework.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Yeah I am tired. I don't know how long this is gonna last. I have 17 hrs. and i live in the Vermeer Science Center from 9-3 on monday wed. and friday. its crazy. but all in good intentions i suppose. I shouldn't be typing this I should be sleeping or doing homework but sleeping sounds good. It is only weds. this feels like a really long weeek. but hey there is the three day weekend to look forward to. i can't believe we put ourselves through college like this. i am really impressed that i can function on the weird sleeping and normal routines that my body goes through. wow. hope you all enjoying school once again. make it a good year. i'm out i need time to charge up again.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

St. Louis


These are some of the pictures from the St. Louis Trip on Facebook.

Ice Cream Escapade


This is the link to our new ice cream recipe. Yes it rocks. Thats what sunday afternoons do to you.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Long Hump Day

Now I know what you all are thinking so stop it now. I aint gonna show any pictures of me humping all day. first of all it would have had to been alone and that certainly wasnt the case. it was a long day. I worked like 3 hrs. on my day "off". w.e. but it was just a long tiring day for no reason. other than work i didnt really do anything. went out and swam at a pond and then drove up to newton where vos pommer and i saw lance armstrong. it was pretty cool. he had some cool stuff to say. hes a pretty good guy it sounds like laid back and funny. thats about it. I have too many damn things to do. i need some sleep.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Deep Blue Sea

Okay so not quite but pretty damn close. Today Austin Justin and I went to Van Roekel's Uncles old coal mine pond and swam with cal, ron, happy, ryan, dustin, and another justin. It was so nice. the water was so clear, warm, and clean. it is trully amazing for iowa. anyway this is what it looked like seriously. anyway that is about the only exciting thing that went on this weekend. Not a whole lot else trully worth telling anyone about went on. I will get pictures up on facebook soon as soon as time allows. well i am really pooped so have a good monday everyone.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

St. Louis 3 & 4

Well its been a couple of really hott days at least 103 both days, today it topped out at around 105 in the shade. Yeah yesterday we went to the Anhuizer Busch brewery and Grant's Farm in the morning. the tour of the brewry was cool. It was pretty immpressive. they have 370 barallels that can hold up to 200,000 6 packs each. They have 10 acres to store packaged beer and their machines can bottle 1300 a minute and can up to 2000. Grants farm was a farse as was Ulysses S. Grants old house. The Missouri Botanical gardens etnertained the afternoon. bad idea we are crazy its over 100 degrees out and we decide to go somewhere that has a humidy close to prolly 90% and its hot. There we alot of plants and flowers. After that we went back to the hotel and called it a night. We were pooped.
Today I went to go check out Washington Univ. because they have a dual degree program with Central that i might end up doing. Only if i get some money and my grades are decent enough....about that. Anyway it was a nice campus not too big. pretty clean. They guy we talked to had a lot to say. We then just started driving out of St. Louis we really didnt know what or where we wanted to go. We were going to stop at an old auto car museum on the way out but turns out it doesnt exist any more. it might have something to do with the fact that it was out in the middle of no where. So my dad and I decided to head for Columbia after eating at Joe's crab shack. We got here after some driving around, lets just say i know fulton missouris like the back of my hand. After checking out every single hotel in columbia to see what their price was and the condition of the pool we checked into the Stoney Creek Inn. It is amazing for the price we got. Nothing else compares to anything i have seen. Indoor outdoor pool and whirlpool with a waterfall. its nice. had to buy a CAT5 cable because i forgot one at home and they dont have wireless. but a fridge in the room and a microwave is nice. To end the evening we tried to find a miniput, but just like the auto museum it was out in the middle of nowhere. It was in a little po dunk golf course that had a driving range, batting cage and go karts. The course was as you could expect a little to be desired. i asked my dad if we were gonna do it and he said of course we made the drive. It was hotter than a three peckered billy goat and this was 7.00 pm. That brings us to here. tomm we should be on our way home safe and sound. See ya soon Pella.

Monday, July 17, 2006

St. Louis 2

It is my second day in St. Louis. It was a hott day. The heat index was well over 100. Anyway we went into the Arch today. Its tall its pretty sweet. Bought some tickets for the Cards game. Then went to the union station and ate lunch piddled around. We then went to the St. Louis City Museum and then the Cards game. Everything is expensive as heck. bottle of water 4.50, nachos 6.25, beer 6.50, yeah it is an expensive place. The game started out slow and then the Braves hit a grand slam and it was over from there. we left after the seventh inning. the cards lost 15-3. traffic was kinda busy on the way out not too bad. then i was going 10 over the limit passing someone and then someone comes up behind riding me. and then when we get to a three lane area he flips me the bird and speeds off doing well over the speed limit and none the less headed towards a construction area. Thats about the day for ya. i would post pictures but the inet here is gay. so i will prolly post them later, on facebook prolly.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Lincoln

Ok so the corolla has been dead for awhile and was taking to great car graveyard in the sky and the prelude will soon be there, ok so they just end up at doug's fourwheelers, anyway we replaced them with ryan's lincoln continental. it makes a pretty bad knocking sound but other than that she runs thats the main thing. luke already cut his hand on it. we will prolly just run it till it dies. On the list for things to do. we want to get into building and racing lawn mowers. we also want to build a dune buggy. i swear thats the last post for today.

St. Louis

So me and my father set off for st. louis today. we made it down here in about 6 hours. we stopped in St. charles for awhile. looked at some louis and clark stuff. then came to find a hotel. we didnt make reservations we were taking our chances. we could not find the baymont inn located in o fallon illinois. we drove back and forth. i saw a sign for but that was the only one. it took stops at three gas stations to find it. but we are here. I needed it for the inet and my dad and i both wanted to have a hot tub and it was decently cheap. the one up in ames it good so i figured this one would be too. we went to applebees of course we had to ask how to get to it too. don't ever the the mango lemonade from there its not good. all syrupy bad idea. anyway we waited quite awhile for our hamburgers. they burnt the first set. they were good once we got them. I think we are going to the arch tomm. and maybe a cardinals game tomm. night. the rest of tonight will be sitting relaxing and going into the hot tub probably.

The Weekend

Ok to start this out. You need to hear a good story. It was a good way to start out the weekend. We, by we i mean zito, vos, luke, and i, were driving around uptown trying to find and think of somewhere to eat. We were sitting at a red light and then we here the fire sirens and I was waiting for the trucks to come whizzing by and thought we could follow them just for kicks anyway they never came by. Then zito started talking about something and we were heavily discussing it..... well we sat through a green light. the entire green light. and that was how the weekend started out. nm happened this weekend. I was called to help some old lady fix her computer that was out of no where but i made 20 bucks so it was worth it. I talked with her for two hours while i fixed her computer. it was interesting we talked about the bible, her family, racing, armegeddon, the war and some other misc. things. Sat. was kinda long. Vos and I met zito jame and muff at the movie theatre. we saw pirates of the carribean. it was a good movie but it was long. then we went to chill and james house for awhile. after that we met up with luke vos went home and then we met up with austin. I went to bed at 1.30 and I had to get up at 6 to start packing and leave for St. Louis where i am currently.

The Week

Not a terrible exciting week really. I finally got a system down for managing the thrift store info and got the cash register up and running. things are going well there. we were ridiculously busy on sat. which was good it had been kinda slow. My dad and I got started on building an enclosure for our hot tub so we don't freeze in the winter. its about half way done. I recieved my D-Link router. My old one crapped out so I got an RMA. C & C cycle called me thursday and they got the seat done for the Honda so it should be here this week. Honestly come to think of it i don't of much else that went on this week. Vos and I are still trying to build our WiFi Biquad antennas. Thats all i got .

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Weekend

This weekend was a quick one. They usually don't last long enough. Anyway the only thing that was accomplished well not a whole lot really. The Diesel Pommer and I tried to make was golp soup. This was because we used too much lye. We got too much lye because we had to guess how much 3.5 grams was and we guessed wrong. The rest of my Saturday was alright it was really long. After i finished a really long and boring day at work I rilled in dirt neat my house and then i went to a Jack's Mannequin Concert. It was awesome. I found a guitar pick and I about got into a fight with some drunks. I got back around 11.45 and then I went out and worked on the Lincoln until 2.15 in the morning. I didnt get to bed until 3.00. It was a late night. Today I went to Des Moines with Austin and I bought some GameSacs. And that pretty much rounded out the day. yeah nothing too exciting.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Cell Phones

Something todays tech savvy or just ordinary person can't live without no matter how much you use it or what you use it for or what kind you have or how much you paid for one. the principal remains you bought one and they have you hooked. By they i mean the cell phone companies, society, your friends, your parents, the media, cell phone providers. I think we have all had tussles with cell phone providers. Austin got his phone back only after numerous trips to Des Moines, Pommer can't renew his plan and he needs a new phone because his other one got sucked through a black hole, and my phone( nokia 6255i) sucks but yeah its cool and gets great reception but its crappy. I finally got a new one and didnt have to pay for it. only after getting it sent in to be repaired and got it back five weeks later and nothing changed. It will shut off when closed slightly too hard and the screen malfunctioned and would randomly not work. needless to say the new phone isn't great either i am starting to see the same problems arise. we will see how long this lasts but i am stuck with it for 24 months unless i want to shell out 400 bucks for a razor [I might actually be able to shave with it in the next few years, i could see it happening its prolly about the only thing missing from most cellphones today, the ability to trim off excess body hair] I have some tricks done my sleeve. Half of the features i bought the phone for weren't availble because U.S. Cellular had locked them. Pissed me off so I hacked my phone and now i am free to change just about anything on my phone. aobut 90 percent of the things i can change i dont understand and have no idea what they do but other than that its cool.
Anyway people are hooked including myself, sometimes i wish i just didnt have it so people couldnt get a hold of me. yeah i could shut it off and not answer it but people just get pissed off and ask why they couldnt get a hold of me or it was really important or they just wanted to know what was going on. Heaven forbid you have to wait to talk to someone or that you can't get an answer right away. patience is something that we just don't have anymore we want it right here right now and cell phones don't help that. Sometimes people won't settle for the fact that you just don't want to talk to them or that if you don't there has to be something wrong or you are pissed at them. A lot or people would be extremely disoriented without their cellphones in todays society and society almost makes it a necessity to have one.

Just like women can't live with them but ya can't live without them.

The waiting begins.

I hope that someone checks this soon I will be interested to see how long it goes unnoticed.... Enjoy it for those of you who do find it.

To-do Lists

Like i said i have a to do list that is like a mile long. I have a habit of starting projects that are usually out of the ordinary or just plain time consuming and over comlicated. O well its fun. I just recently got my dad's CB500 1972 Honda put back together and running she isn't running too smooth and the seat is being replaced but other than that it is looking great. Luke and i recently created a collection of potatoe/ projectile rifles. its been fun they are really cool sometime i should get pictures up of them. ( ipromise) anything we can fit in the barallel we have tried shooting out of them. I just replaced the headliner in the Delta it was time and after the Missouri fireworks run it was gone anyway. I have several projects on the burner at the moment. the biggest is one pommer and i are hoping falls into place this weekend. We are making biodisel. yes i said it we are going to make diesel. if all goes well we should be running on diesel that runs us around 70 cents per gallon. if all goes well but im guessing first time around it won't and then on top of that we still need a diesel engine to try it in.....
Everytime i seem to accomplish one thing something else seems to pop up. The never ending list of books that needs to be read, music that needs listening to, computers that need to be fixed, I can't stay informed enough too much news to stay in touch with, and monkeying around etc. well i suppose it keeps me out of trouble...... or causes more.

'bout time

Well to all my fine readers..... that's about zero not that the would be readers aren't fine its just the fact that there aren't any. For good reason however this is my first post since feburary. Yeah thats a really long time. The end of school was kinda crazy and then summer started and i have been busy ever since. I have a to do list that is a mile long and keeping up on my blog has been on there for sometime just not at the top. I kept putting it off one because i could and two because i havent posted for so long that i felt that there was just too much to post about and it would take too much time. well im gonna give it a shot again and try not to get behind and thirdly sometimes i have things i want to post about other then just what is going on in D-Rock's world but things that i think people should here but i can never make up my mind... imagine that. but i will do my best and that is all i can ask of myself. Here we go off on a magical carpet ride once more. WEEEEEEE>>>>>>..............

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hair cut

Yeah i needed a hair cut. Anyway besides that i got a new cellphone. nokia 6255i it plays mp3's, takes pictures and video, and looks pretty cool. i like it. theses were taken with it.

More pics...

Here are a few more pics. I did try leg hair but all it does it makes your skin tingle and itch and looks like you are missing patches of hair. and there is a picture of the blonde spot.

Hair Stylin'

Okay so about two weeks ago we were all chillin in walmart and we walked by the hair products. needless to say we decided to highlight our hair. we as in luke, austin, zito and I, justin was there but he has his manhood to look after. Well besides the fact we couldnt decide on whether or not to use the cap or use combs we bought both. this is prolly the last thing you expected from us... its prolly the "most daring" thing we have done. it didnt turn out too bad. mine hard a huge spot on the top of my head but i got a hair cut a few days ago and now it doesnt look so bad. luke, zitos and austins look good, its hardly noticable but its a nice touch. We had to wait a half an hour after we put it to wash it out so in the mean time we had zito serenade us with some tunes.

Snow Day

Its been awhile since i last posted. today its snowing out and its slow at the thrift store so i have the day off. i figured i needed to catch up, not only here but my room is a mess and i have been slacking on homework lately. Today there will be several posts.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Say Goodnight

Our seperation has it's faults
But I don't wanna leave it all
So write the letters in teary ink
I just need some time to think
And I just need some time to breathe

Baby just say goodnight
I'll be gone tomorrow
Baby just close your eyes
I can't take the sorrow
Baby just walk away
You know I can't stay
There's no easy way to say goodbye
So baby just say goodnight

We're in a spell that never ends
The empty hourglass wore me thin
So let the phone do it's work
Your voice is heaven
But it hurts
Your words are memories
But they burn

Baby just say goodnight
I'll be gone tomorrow
Baby just close your eyes
I can't take the sorrow
Baby just walk away
You know I can't stay
There's no easy way to say goodbye
So baby just say goodnight

Baby don't say goodbye
Baby just close your eyes
And dream,tomorrow's on it's way
So just walk away

Baby just say goodnight
I'll be gone tomorrow
Baby just close your eyes
I can't take the sorrow
Baby just walk away
You know I can't stay
There's no easy way to say goodbye
So baby just say goodnight

Baby just say goodnight

Friday, February 03, 2006

Super Bowl Weekend

Well im not really that excited about the super bowl. there is really nothin going that i know of. So im not sure that i will do anything. i might actually sleep through part of it. im sure though something will come up like it always does. the rest of the weekend looks really calm as well. not a whole lot going on just working on sat. at the thrift store and going the pella high boys/girls varsity game tonight.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Sundays are a good day....God was really on top of things when he created it and set aside as a day of rest. After staying up until 2.30 on friday and then until about 1 last night. it was a long weekend not that we did a lot or ever do for that matter. it just seemed like a long weekend, especially so for pommer, so he says. Finally saw Wedding Crashers it was funny, so was trying to keep Mr. Mour's dogs entertained. During the movie i got the munchies but every single bag of chips, about 6-7, were stale, i was dissappointed but ate some anyway. Thats really about it for the weekend drove the bonneville and went to the pc/pella bball game on friday,kyle korver was there. the games were amazing other than that pretty calm weekend. sleeping most of the day and thinking about doing all the homework that should be done today but usually doesnt get done makes sunday great.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Well i called lisco today about my modem and they had said they shipped on the 17th on overnight well i never got it. they called me back and said i didnt need it and i told them that i wasn't getting 2048 and the tech person said he would switch it from 1024. well i suppose ill give them some but it is still "slow".

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Yeah so i got my playstation back from the sims brothers this weekend. I think that wendy decided that it finally needed to leave. Cory was addicted. anyway im addicted to san andreas. over the past week i downloaded all the radio stations. I have all the commericials, jingles, and every single song played on the game. its like playing the game but not, ya know. yeah so i have k rose up in winamp running on a loop.

The Bonneville

Well last night i drove the bonneville to the basketball game ya know to represent. well anyway i noticed that on the way home and when i parked it that the steering fluid seemed to be low or at least whining a little. so i asked my dad what he thought. then we checked to see what the level of the power steering fluid was. there is no power steering fluid resivoir in my car. i had justin and austin take a look at it later on and between the four of us we could not find it anywhere. the owners manual didnt help there is nothing in the vincity of where it says it should be. i can't think of where else to look there are only so many places to look in an engine.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The LA Times

Evidently the LA Times doesn't support this countries troops. Its a really ridiculous article he makes some good points but really he is the cover statement when it comes to the entire LA Times newspaper, Liberal morons.


Lisco just called me today to tell me that the they just hooked up my interent connection at home. I am now receiving 2048k at home but they still have to send me a new modem. it should be hear shortly. dslreports.com said i was getting 850 down and 650 up. not bad
well its tuesday. its really really windy. Not a whole lot to say really. woke up this morning with a migraine like none other and i had an 8 oclock and then a lab at one so at least i didnt have to go to class. Pommer david and jame evidently went to mankato yesterday for the heck of it. Yeah i havent really heard from robert. Im sure hes still alive.... i hope. well i suppse i should do some homework and the such since i am in college and thats top priority.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Facebook Scandal

Yeah so i finally broke down and got facebook. so i suppose thats one more thing for me to check everyday and what not. we will see how it goes. i still don't know about it though.

Pontiac Bonneville SSEI

Well here ya go for those of you who wanted to see what she looks like. Its fully loaded and supercharged.

School Once Again

Well i haven't posted for awhile. I suppose that Winter break did that to me. I mean it has been almost a month. maybe a good thing anyway. Break was good, better than school as Joe stated. Everyone is so eager to travel back to place where you pay to put yourself through the some of the most grueling times and sparatic sleeping habits. O well its all good though (at least for one of us). http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3928647273921899969&q=zito
Thanks Zito in all your glory. We love you anyway.
For those of you who don't know I am now living at home and i am still going to central. Quiting doesn't look so bad sometimes but not gonna happen. Anyway i suppose i need to go to class since thats what im suppose to be doing in about ten minutes. There are more posts to come today. I still need to get pictures up of my recently purchased vehicle 2000 Pontiac Bonneville SSEI. Its nice.

A New Year

Here we go... We all have just begun a new year. In China it is the year of the dog and Cnet.com boast it as the year of mobile malware. Well whatever year it is im sure going to be a good one. Looking back now on all that has transpired it is quite amazing how quickly it all seemed to happen. Less than a year ago we were all running the highschool not that we aren't now... we were just there all the time. From seniors who knew everything to now freshman in college. With our new found independence we have grabbed hold of an entirely different view of the world. I have been told that the only thing that doesn't change is that nothing changes.
Besides the fact that we have not only all aged a year and have seem each other grow and change and mature..... some of us anyway. There has been a lot that has happened in the world. Bush we newly re-elected, the tsunami in the south pacific, hurricane katrina, the war in iraq, capture of Saddam Hussien, bombings in london, the pope died(finally), Deep Throat, gas prices on the rise and fall, supreme court nominies, google became public, ipod craze erupted, martha stewart was arrested, johnny carson died, micheal jackson was on trial *cough*guility*cough*, lance armstrong won again and for the last time, and baseball came underfire for its players using steroids (yahoo.com).
Its been a busy year for all no doubt and there have been many personal issues in which we have had to battle through. Some if not all of us are still battling them on some level. This is life. Next year we will look back on this year and see again how much we have learned and changed. We will have some good memories and no doubt some regrets. Live learn i guess. I hope that all of us can continue to trust and have faith in God no matter what happens.
I have no idea what the future holds for anyone of us. I have no doubt however that if we hang in there, stick together and keep our paths as straight as possible we can have some great times.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Been A Long While

It has been a really long time since i have posted. Idk y just one of those things I supppose. Well its been a kicking break. I have been fairly busy. Decided not to go on the Reynosa Missions trip with campus ministries just had a lot of stuff going on. Anyway most people have started or start school on monday well I have yet another entire week. Its nice. Gonna be a busy weekend though which is cool. Monster Jam friday. LAN and hanging out on Sat. Sunday= sleep.